Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cultural Context

Hey everyone, did a poster, and without saying too much about it, I was hoping I could get some feedback. What do you think the message is? Is it visually captivating? Anything not making sense? Are both taglines effective? Is one stronger than the other?

I'll offer up an intended meaning if I find that the poster is being taken the wrong way. Let me know what you think.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Calling all Cartography Geeks

Was recently shown this nifty site: Hyper Cities

They take google maps and then overlay historical maps on top of it. You can keep layering multiple maps and change transparencies and such. This has gotta be a useful teaching tool. It creates a mash-up of genius proportions. I love, love, love it.

If you checkout the Chicago map, you'll see that Soldier Field stadium was built on water! I mean imagine what this means if Chicago were to ever get flooded? Don't go to the stadium! But I suppose people already learned that lesson.